Project Portfolio Page – Yang Chenglong

Project Nuke v2.1


Nuke v2.1 is a simple yet powerful task management application target towards NUS students. Nuke aims to provide a more efficient way to organize the user’s modules and tasks. The user interacts with Nuke using a Command Line Interface (CLI). In its latest versions, it also has a complementary Graphical User Interface version created with JavaFX, though the GUI is still in its Beta stage. Nuke is written in Java, and has about 10, 000 lines of code.

Summary of Contributions

Code contributed: [Functional and Test Code]

Major enhancement:

1. Added the ability to undo/redo previous commands

2. Added the ability to preload the information of all modules provided by NUS

3. Implement the generic Linux filesystem associated command ls, mkdir and rm

Minor enhancement:

Improve the feedback messages shown to the users when listing out all the tasks, add one more column showing if the tasks are done, so that the users would know if they need to work on the task as soon as possible.

Other contributions:

Project management:

Managed releases v1.0 , v2.0 (2 releases) on GitHub


User Guide:
Developer Guide:

Contributions to team-based tasks :
